Health savings accounts (HSAs) were created as a savings vehicle to help people pay out-of-pocket medical expenses. If qualified, you can establish an HSA in much the same way you establish a traditional savings account or an individual retirement account. You can open one with a lump-sum payment or through regular contributions, usually through paycheck […]
The Many Types of Investment Risk
It is important for investors to understand that every investment has its own set of risks. One key to successful investing is to recognize the different types of risks that could be a threat to one’s financial well-being and to take steps to minimize their impact. What follows is an overview of the primary forms […]
Weighing Your Options: Promoting vs Hiring Externally
It’s a quite common dilemma to figure out if you need to hire externally or promote from within to see improvement with your business. There are benefits to both. We will now go over the pros and cons to each side. Hiring Externally Pros Can help a company gain new perspectives – Oftentimes, hiring a new […]
Saving for Two
An employer’s 401(k) plan (or similar retirement plan) can be a good way for people to save for retirement. But what if your or your spouse’s employer doesn’t offer a retirement plan? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,* 69% of private sector workers have access to a workplace retirement plan. Since most people […]
Diversification: A Tool to Temper Risk
Market volatility is a given in the investment world, so employing strategies to cope with fluctuating market values should be a priority. Diversification — spreading your money among many different investments and investment types — is one such strategy.1 Although you can’t eliminate volatility, diversifying your investment portfolio may help you manage it. A First […]
What are Tax Credits?
Taxes are an integral part of running a business, and they often represent a substantial portion of your expenses. However, there’s good news for businesses looking to reduce their tax burden and stimulate growth – business tax credits. These credits provide financial incentives for companies to invest in various activities, from research and development to […]